Everything we do is designed to help equip families to live out their faith at home. Although we value our classes during weekend services, we believe that faith at home is even more important. We’re excited to partner with you on this journey!
Questions about RiverTree Kids?


What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, kids will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and they’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.


Look for our volunteers at the Rivertree Kids Check-In table to answer questions and point you and your kids in the right direction. And don’t worry—we’ll let you know if your child needs you at any point during the service.


If you have a heart for kids, we’d love to talk to you about investing in the next generation by serving in RiverTree Kids.

Are you a Follower of Jesus?
We can’t introduce someone to Jesus if we don’t know Him first. It does not matter to us how long you have followed Jesus, just so you have started the journey with Him and seek to live in a way that pleases Him.

Are you willing to serve?
Leaders are servants. Jesus said he did not come to be served but to serve.

Do you desire to see God use you?
Leaders lead by how they live. Are you willing to let God use you to impact kids?